Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Finished: 1979 Ford Pinto Wagon

Finished 5/28/2018
My model explosion continues! This is the new issue MPC kit, which I got when it was released in 2016. I started it instantly when my skills were not good and managed to get runs and bubbles in the Tamiya primer! (hard to mess that up) I set it aside then but got back to it this year. When I saw the yellow and brown stripes I knew instantly that I would paint it metallic brown- Root Beer from Testors One-Coat lacquer-which then took 4 coats of clearcoat to get the proper shine. The interior is painted "Skeleton Bone"- a color from the local gaming store. This ended up being my 300th built, when I finished it on May 28th. A major milestone for me, in my 19th year modeling.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Finished: 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle Street cruiser

Finished 5/25/2018
Revell kit, has been in my stash since either 1999 or 2000, one of the first kits I bought when I began modeling.
It has been in my stash longer than most other kits. The paint is Testors 1630 Gloss Custom Green Metal Flake, and there's something like 4 coats on the car because it's VERY thin. it's darker and has more gold in the flake than appears in the photos- thank the sun for that. I actually built the engine and the chassis fully! Had to do that because I chose to use the open hood. This car is inspired by the kind of cars I see at the Adirondack Nationals.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Finished: 1953 Ford Pickup Mild custom

Finished 5/24/2018
7th Model finished in 2018

A new reissue of the first kit I ever built by myself in 1999
After not completing any trucks at all since 2001 I've now finished 2 in less than a month's time!
Painted Model Master Lacquer Light Gray Metallic, with Testors Red from a paint pen on the wheels.
Unusual for me to do a custom, I'm much more inclined towards factory stock, but decided to do things a little differently here.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Finished: 1987 Ayrton Senna F1 Car

Finished May 21st, 2018

First F1 car
First Heller kit
First painted with a "paint pen"

Possibly first 1/43rd scale build.
First non-NASCAR race car built since 2004 or 2005.

Purchased kit for $3 at most recent HVHMG meeting! (money well spent!) Fan blew away the roll bar and one of the rear view mirrors so if I ever find them I will update them.

I really enjoyed building this kit, and want to do more at some point.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Finished: Yamaha Dirt Bike

This one came with an MPC 1975 Dodge Van that I built back in 2004...I started this then, but didn't finish it until April 28th this year! Thankfully I thought to write the date I finished it on the ziplock bag I stored it in. I had originally glued the handlebars on backwards but fixed it.
Scratchbuilt kickstand. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Finished: 1971 Pontiac Trans Am

This is a 1/32 scale Revell kit, issued in the early 1980s in blue plastic. I painted it a Model Master Laquer color, but I don't remember which one. Finished April 28th.